#Look 100 yeahhh the 100 Post!

Yaaaaayyyy!! Chegamos ao post nr 100! Estou muito feliz, todos estamos, porque temos nos empenhado muito esses meses. Obrigada a todos que apoiam, e acompanham o blog, e rumo ao 200! haha
Beijos a todos..

Yaaaaayyyy! The 100 post! we are very happy, because we work much in this months. Thanks to all, that support and follow the blog, and let's go to 200! haha

Kisses to all ..

Raphael Cyberstar wears:

Hair: -Entente- Thibaut Hair - Brown
Shirt: NYU - Debut, Cropped Jacket Set (Midnight/White)
Pants: Nyu - Debut, Long Pants, Black
[*EG+REDGRAVE*] El Ganso Sneakers 007 -Blue Oxford-

Louise Marsault Wears:

Hair: [Atro Patena] - Angel_Natural NEW
Glasses: Gunther's Fierce Vintage Gold 'Baciaga' Frames (store closed)
Coat: Nyu - Debut, Tiffany Coat, Auburn
Undercoat: KIM-Leony Brown Pat Dress.-Tropicalia Big Bazaar

Leggings: Maitreya Mesh Leggings - Suede-Brown
Earrings: ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Pretty Earring - Cream -
Necklace:  MG - Necklace - Heart - Jewelled - Long - GOLD + BLACK DIAMONDS (already posted)

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